Robin manages to elude capture and sneaks into the Orléans's mansion to rescue D'Eon, but is forced to retreat after being seen by Maximilien, who claims that he is not responsible for Lia's death and attempts to convince D'Eon to read the Royal Psalms. Failing at that, he bestows greater control of the Royal Psalms upon Lorenza, who attempts to kill D'Eon's body with her newly acquired powers, but is ultimately defeated by Lia's spirit. The people march against Orléans, who suspects that the rebellion was instigated by King Louis. Meanwhile, Queen Marie finally returns Belle, a mysterious talking skull in her care, to Pompadour, revealed to be her mother. D'Eon escapes his confinement and duels with Teillagory which ends in a stalemate with D'Eon pinned to the wall. Orléans prepares to kill D'Eon, but Robin interferes and shoots Orléans in retaliation. However, Teillagory shields Orléans from the bullet, leaving Robin in shock.